How many times are you called to the warehouse to troubleshoot issues with your handheld or truck-mounted computers or terminals?
Do you have remote users who are traveling or are located at remote facilities? Do your remote devices require software updates periodically?
Can you track devices and maintain their batteries effectively, or is it hit-and-miss?
Recent studies have shown that more than 40% of devices returned for repair resulted in “no fault found.”  Many times, it is “operator error.”
user error-resized-600
The cost of taking a unit out of service for repair can be great, especially if there is no backup unit available.
Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to connect to the device, view the statistics, run diagnostics, and take control of it remotely?
Being able to troubleshoot and resolve an issue promptly, especially if the unit is off-site, can save time and money.
What if there was an easy way to take control of a remote device, run an analysis, and diagnose any issues?
A solution that could help you track and manage your devices–hardware, software, and firmware revisions–from a central location could be worth the investment.
L-Tron has partnered with Wavelink to offer various solutions to fit your requirements.

  • Spotting trouble caused by critical factors
  • Alerting to low memory, both RAM and Flash
  • Allowing high CPU utilization
  • Providing an advance alert to poor battery states
  • Offering several operating system versions
  • Gathering platform details (CPU, architecture)
  • Showing device ID/characteristics

Let’s dialogue about your specific requirements and how we can help your business reduce costs and increase productivity by customizing your RDM solution.
Give L-Tron a call today 800.830.9523 or email us at
See the video below and learn about just one of the solutions available from Wavelink and how a remote management solution can help you track, manage, and deploy devices.

Avalanche Features Spotlight - Comprehensive Remote Help Desk
