Field mobility solutionsWhen talking to managers and business owners within the field service industry, I am often moved by how much value is placed on the field technicians.  It becomes obvious that these technicians are highly respected by their managers.  These field technicians are highly trained and capable in many areas of business from customer service and sales, to equipment troubleshooting and repairs. What is bothersome to me is that these same technicians are being held back, sent into the field without proper tools to deal with costly and frustrating inefficiencies because managers are unaware of the benefits that field mobility solutions can provide to their company!
Safelite Autoglass did a case study in 2009 giving their techs a field mobility solution.  The results were many, but one I would like you to strongly consider is that they saw a 23% increase in same-day invoices for completed jobs.        
What would this mean to your cash flow?
I think that for many of you the benefits alone would pay for a mobility solution, which offers countless ways for your company to earn greater profit from each job.  For instance, providing your field technicians field mobility solutions gives them the tools they need to run smooth, completely paperless operating procedures on each job in real time.
Contact me and I can do a quick assessment of your needs and outline what steps are next.  The process might seem overwhelming at first, but it really breaks down into many small, manageable steps.
If you are in the HVAC and plumbing industry and missed our free webinar last week, I have great news. A recording of the webinar is now up on our website. Click on the webinar button below to learn how field mobility is being used by small and medium sized businesses to improve customer service, productivity and growth in the HVAC & plumbing industry!
