This Sunday, June 16th, we celebrate our dads and everything they have done for us. To the fathers in our lives who have taught us the value of hard work and all the corny dad jokes, we thank you for everything you do. Our dads have been there to pick us up when we fall and encourage us to pursue our dreams, all while ensuring that the lawn is freshly mowed before it starts to rain.

Many of the L-Tron team members are fathers, and we honor their dedication both to the office and their families.

The History of Father’s Day

           For those dads who cannot turn off the History Channel – the history of Father’s Day started in a West Virginia Church on July 5th, 1908. The church’s sermon that Sunday was dedicated to the hundreds of men who had died in the explosions at the Fairmont Coal Company mines that past year, but the commemoration was not considered a holiday. The following year, a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd sought to establish a holiday dedicated to male parents. As one of six children who were raised by a widower, Dodd sought to celebrate and honor everything that fathers do. She campaigned at local churches, YMCA’s, shops, and government offices to gain support for the holiday. Her success led to the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on June 19th, 1910. The holiday began to spread throughout the country and was celebrated nationwide by 1972.

Today, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June, which happens to fall on the 16th for 2019. It is estimated that over $1 billion dollars is spent on Father’s Day gifts, which range from greeting cards to neck ties for dad. Father’s Day is also celebrated in other countries such as Europe and Latin America, but the holiday falls on St. Joseph’s Day- a Catholic holiday which is celebrated on March 19th.

Meet “Our Dads”

We’d like to wish a very Happy Father’s Day to RAD, Trevor, Hank, John, Charlie, Ken, Pete, Rich, Viet and Andy.


Questions? Interested in learning more about our L-Tron Dads?

Get in touch with the L-Tron team.

Call 800-830-9523 or Email
