The PentagonThe L-Tron Team attended the TacOps East 2017 Tactical Tradeshow in Arlington, VA

TacOps East 2017

L-Tron team members Juli & Elyse attended the TacOps East 2017 Tactical Tradeshow and Conference in Arlington, Va. The show ran from September 6th though 8th at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, attracting SWAT teams and Officers from up and down the East Coast.

At this year’s TacOps show, L-Tron highlighted the Light Grenade. The Light Grenade is a tactical illumination device created to protect Officers and give them the tactical advantage when they are pursuing a suspect. The Light Grenade increases Officer safety by eliminating standard flashlight tunnel vision, and allows you to control when you light up your target. Gain the advantage and easily detect shadows and motion in dark rooms, alleys, abandoned buildings and basements. The Light Grenade improves response time and increases your distance between threats.

There were so many SWAT team members and conference attendees who stopped by our booth to learn about L-Tron and the Light Grenade. We were able to toss our Light Grenades at the portable walls erected by the Survitec Group, and demonstrated how the light illuminated corners and hard to see places. We got some great videos from several attendees. Retired Officer PR and his canine partner “Sita” demonstrated how to retrieve a deployed Light Grenade. We also ran over the Light Grenade with a truck in the parking lot. The L-Tron team attended “Casino Night” and had a great time playing games and enjoying a few cocktails.

Juli gave a short presentation on the Light Grenade at two of the classes:

  • Current Trends in Terrorism on Wednesday, September 6th
  • Less Lethal Tactical Decision Making on Friday, September 8th

Congrats to the winners of our Light Grenades!

Adam TacOps East

We met with so many interested attendees, that we decided to give away two of them! Our winners, Adam and Ed, were super excited to test out the grenades and promised to let us know how they liked them and were using them out in the field.

Lastly, we would like to extend a big thank you to the TacOps East 2017 staff. This was our first year attending this show, and we really appreciated how welcoming the TacOps team was. They answered all of our questions and even invited us to tour the Pentagon with them on Thursday evening. We’re already excited for next year’s show and are considering attending TacOps West in Las Vegas this coming spring.

View more pictures from our time in Arlington here.

Questions? Interested in learning more about the Light Grenade?

Call 800-830-9523 or Email

click to learn more



