If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard this question…
Since we introduced our 4910LR Barcode Scanner to the Law Enforcement community back in April of 2013, I’ve fielded the following question enough times where I feel it might be easier if I put my answer in writing. So, here’s the burning question:
Why does the 4910LR have a sticker that says 3310g on it?
First off, we call this device the 4910LR to identify with our brand. It has instant name recognition with the tens of thousands of its installed predecessors: the 4710LR and 4810LR. The 4910LR Barcode Scanner is a product comprised of a number of subassemblies, one of which is the Honeywell 3310g Area-Imaging Scanner. But, the 4910LR is much more than just a run-of-the-mill area imaging scanner. We load custom firmware onto each 4910LR device to add functions that we have developed over the past decade specifically for Law Enforcement applications. We put our label on the device to differentiate it from the stock device. This is shown in the picture below. The sticker alerts Honeywell technical support in case an end user contacts them for support.
The 4910LR retains the PID name of the original Honeywell device as shown in a screen shot of Device Manager below (Vuquest 3310…), which maintains compatibility with the Honeywell USB COM port driver.
Some of the additional functionality supported by our custom firmware includes:
- Image capture (accident scenes, forged documents, misrepresentation, etc.)
- Signature capture
- Driver’s license barcode parsing (support for USA & Canada)
So, long story short, the L-Tron 3310g label differentiates the image engine from the stock Honeywell device. It is a subassembly that is part of the 4910LR product (image engine, firmware, cable, boot, etc.).
Now that you’ve read my explanation, please let me know if this makes sense to you. And if not, how should we have done this?