smart printer
(A 3 minute read)
Smart technology has revolutionized everything from home to the enterprise. Smart appliances know what we need from the grocery store and our preferred indoor air temperature. Smart sensors in the workplace provide alerts that equipment might need maintenance, locate missing assets, and increase operational efficiency to a level that wasn’t possible before.
We still have opportunities to work smarter though.
Printers are often overlooked as a piece of smart technology.
As a result, paper is wasted, documents are lost, and workers are frustrated with printer failures. In addition, the lack of embedded security features in a printer leaves a business open to a variety of data breaches.

Smart printers present the solution to the gap in business intelligence created by old-fashioned laser and inkjet printers.

A smart printer integrates with your network. The interface enables more controls, energy efficiency, troubleshooting cues, double-sided printing, and security features to prevent unauthorized use. It’s not just for the convenience of wireless printing!

Here are 4 Reasons why Smart Printers are a Smart Investment:

 Reduce your printing costs.
In spite of all the admonishments to reduce the paper trail, workers still print more pages than they need. You might be unpleasantly surprised to see how many sheets of paper end up in the recycling bin. Sure, it’s great to recycle, but you still need to replenish your paper inventory, as well as the ink cartridges, more frequently than you should.
 Increase document security.
Workers who can print secure documents may be using a dedicated printer, but what if they’re not? How often does that person go the printer, only to find that someone has “accidentally” walked off with pages that they shouldn’t have? Maybe the file was directed to the wrong printer, but human error can be costly.
A smart printer can require that a document is not printed until the user is physically at the printer, and can enter a code to approve the output. This option not only protects your document security but eliminates the extra cost of purchasing and maintaining the dedicated security printer.
 Prevent printer hacking.
A printer is part of your network, so it can be hacked just like a computer or mobile device. In fact, some cyber-criminals target printers because they’re overlooked in the security chain. By covertly accessing your printer, a hacker can launch a denial-of-service attack (DOS) or flood your office with printouts. A smart printer requires user authentication. This added layer is particularly critical when workers are using their personal devices (BYOD) in the workplace—devices that are highly susceptible to hacking. Learn more about creating your own secure BYOD policies here.
 Conserve energy.
Your printer is probably running all day, and perhaps into the night, depending on your office schedule. The electric cost of running a printer when it’s not actually printing can drive up your energy bill. A smart printer automatically shifts into standby mode to conserve electricity when not in use.
Increase your business intelligence with smart technology, and the reward is strong return on investment.  What other benefits do you see with smart printing? Share with us on Twitter @LTronCorp.


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